These are some pictures of examples of some of the equipment we used during the pre-production, production and post-production stages of our opening sequence.
As we were filming outside of school grounds we all had to understand that we were fully responsible for all the equipment that we had with us. We all had previous experience and knowledge of using the camera and tripod safely and correctly from other previous media tasks we had done within the school. When it came to using the editing suites we all did have previous knowledge of how to use it however we did need some help and we each developed our skills throughout the editing process. We learnt skills like how to slow down and speed up clips and how to add the music over the top of the clip. Creating our focus group also helped us to develop our skills of the equipment further as we had never used a flip camera before so it was a new experience of learning how to use it properly and safely when filming each of our focus groups.
We also used many programmes to help us create our opening sequence. for example we used YouTube quite a lot. Without YouTube, we would have a lot of difficulty being able to watch our final sequence as well as all our focus groups and also we would not have been able to upload them onto our blogs.
We also used Blogger. Without Blogger we would not have been able to save all our work onto one place. Blogger was where every piece of work we did in class relating to our project was uploaded. I think it was a good idea to use Blogger as it meant that all our work was on one place and it made it easier to edit and view all the work that we had done.
Another programme we used was Google. We used Google to do all the research part and find images from other romantic comedy films. If we didn't have Google to do our research it would have taken a lot longer to find all the information we needed and we would not have been able to get some of the pictures that we needed.
We also used Microsoft Word. We used this programme to help us when writing up our work before we put it onto the blogger. Another Microsoft programme we used was Powerpoint. This helped us to save images and screenshots ad save them as JPeg files to put them on our blogs more easily.
Another important programme which we used was DivX. This helped us when uploading our opening sequence to YouTube. Our opening sequence was too big a file to put onto YouTube so we used DivX to make it smaller so it could be on YouTube for us to watch and put on our blogs.
The last thing we used was This website helped us to search and find uncopyrighted music. We were able to search and select specific genres of music which we wanted to find and were able t download them to our computer to listen and decide on them. This is where we found our first piece of music, which ended up being on our final opening sequence. If we didn't have this website we would have probably picked a song which would have been copyrighted, which we later found out we actually had as we didn't get it from this website.
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